Friday, 7 March 2014

Como deal scam blog Negative comments on your: Five Different Solutions

Posted By: Unknown - 02:22


& Comment

One Of The Fears That some bloggers have , About the Blog WHEN ALL IS on the First Day of Sun , is WHAT TO DO IF receive Negative feedback . Indeed, some bloggers themselves discouraged Beginning full serving ( or START A Scam Off blog comments ) BECAUSE tan son Concerned Por Esto .

Although I'm Totally recognize That Can Be As daunting a para START PUTTING HIS Words For That para ser commented For others, the vast majority of comments likely to be Positive son.
It is a great shame to miss the interaction and feedback from the comments provided by the Only Chance to get some bad .

It is important to remember that You are in control , and that if someone leaves Nasty UN Commentary, angry or unpleasant, you have a variety of ways to deal with it .

# 1: Just ignore

THIS is not a great answer , but it is sin Duda Possible UN ONE: Just ignore the negative comments on your blog. Allow They do stay in place , but they do not answer . Sometimes yes see that this will happen in the Great blogs where the blogger is very Busy and a non-responder tends Nessun a comment .

The drawback here is that it can be an unpleasant experience and para Other personalities Commenting For The Visitors Than Just Reading The Comments . If YOU have UN Negative Comment Monton (and potentially unwanted ) Also You can make your blog itself See A Little sloppy .

# 2: DELETE Them

The most simple paragraph DO UN Against Negative comment is para to delete (or "junk" in the Terms of WordPress) . Despite what some might say this characters in No Way commentator attacks the freedom of expression .

DELETE A Review of this story is a good response to Trolls - People Than Just commenting son para Get A Reaction - People Cuyás Comment or paragraph is basically spam.

# 3: cancel , without Mail commentator

One step # 2, could be this in Inglés The appropriate course of action if felt the review was not just trolling But someone has a really bad day , or maybe misunderstood something you wrote .

I would be cautious to Participate in Talks Mail Scam Long Nasty commentator un - DEFINITELY not good for the blood pressure ! - More than a short , Email para professional explain briefly erased Why do could para Enough Comment Avoid That WRITE service similar algorithms in the future .

# 4: They answer one of

Sometimes , you might decide to leave negative feedback do stay in blogs - in which case it is a good idea to para response (PER sake of your Other Readers paragraph both as the author 's comment ) .

If you do this , definitely a good idea to take some deep breaths First : no air Anger responder . Al WRITE friendly An Professional Response, you can impress a suspension Readers Other scams do patience. YOU may even find that the author Angry Review Respond to apologize or ask para Review What do retire.

# 5: Change Total Comments Off

I mentioned at the beginning of the message itself off That some bloggers comments from Day primer. If you have dyed Comments About And Who is not Getting The UN Large Number of Negatives, a continuance , It Is Possible to decide disable comments Time portions of the UN ( trolls can go from Another Place , boring) .
Failed Personally, I would like to see THIS AS LAST application a , and behold WHEN USE ONLY Other methods have . If you want to not go so Far as this , you could introduce moderation Tighter Here 's What You Can moderate comments before going to the Living .

If you wish to prohibit certain personalities or establish a Policy review, see Jason Lancaster message Como Deal With Comment Trolls and Rude .

In the Last Instance redeem your blog, and people leave comments GUEST That His son . YOU Have All Clear UN Law Review , ASI What about the be afraid to do so .


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