Sunday, 16 March 2014

Tips for Perfectly Polished Nails.

Posted By: Unknown - 20:18


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Like a striking necklace or pair of earrings, if your nails look great, can complement almost any look. But the ugly nails, on the other hand, can send the wrong impression. A misconfiguration can cause your nails to CHIP, giving them a less than stellar appearance. Regardless of color, painting inexperienced work can leave nails looking like the face of the moon.

To help you get the look you want, regardless of their fashion tastes, there are some tips that can help you get out of perfectly polished nails. Let's start by looking at the nail below the enamel and then move to the techniques that can help your nails look like you've just been to the spa - even though they have done on their own. Finally, we will give a comprehensive tip that can make or break your nail master work.
Let's start with maintaining healthy nails.

As in building a house, creating beautiful nail art starts with a good base. "Like all parts of the body, healthy nails and beautiful are the result of good nutrition," says Marisa Moore, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "Following a balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats and low-fat dairy products is the best way to ensure the growth and health of nails." While good nutrition contributes to overall health, there are some key areas to watch your diet carefully when looking to promote healthy nails. "Protein and iron, a mineral important for nail health," says Joanne Larsen, registered and licensed dietitian and founder of Ask the dietitian.

For sources of protein, you can eat meat, poultry, fish and other sources, such as soybeans, while the iron is found in oysters, lentils and fortified cereals. Along with protein and iron, think of biotin. "Biotin a water soluble B vitamin, can help strengthen nails," says Moore. Biotin can be found in foods like eggs, broccoli and fish.

While hydration is a preventive measure against dry fingers and nails, is an integral step to perfectly polished nails. "The nails or cracked nails that break easily could be due to drought," says Larsen. "The moisturizing the nails could prevent cracking or breaking."

A good practice to keep the hands and fingers is wet lotion after each time your hands come in contact with water, whether you are washing the dishes, jump in the shower or just wash their hands. At home, a massage from time to time with a moisturizer labor and respite overnight in a pair of cotton gloves can moisturize your hands. At the spa, you may want to try a hand microdermabrasion. This service can help exfoliate hands, allowing moisturizers to penetrate deeper into the surface. Cuticles can be particularly prone to drying, so it is important to keep them hydrated. "The oil prevents cuticles hangnails" says Gina Morgan, senior instructor nails the International School of Skin and Nail Care.

For a beautiful canvas of nails, is necessary to properly form the nail cutting and filing before applying color. One of the most flattering forms a squared-off oval or squoval. In shaping the nails, start by cutting straight to a manageable length of about 0.3 inches to 0.6 inches beyond the tip of your finger. To achieve the desired shape, shaping nails. Make sure you file in one direction - the direction of the nails grow - to prevent splitting. However is not exceeded. "The less the presentation, the better," says Morgan.

Black to a pale pink color trends nail polish change almost seasonally, but tips for applying color can be useful, regardless of the shade. First, make sure to properly wrap your bottle of nail polish, (remembering to tighten the cap, of course). This will serve to properly distribute color. To avoid picking up gobs of nail polish on the brush, scrape the brush along the inside of the bottle to remove excess color.
When you are ready to apply the color, try using sliding three movements to fill the entire nail. "Apply three shots [and] starts in the middle, applying a little pressure to the brush for even distribution," says Morgan.

Put time on your polished draft can mean better results. While you may not want to wait to add more layers of enamel, taking it easy for a while, while nails dry can provide a cleaner look. "Whenever a base coat is applied for membership and to prevent staining of the nail color," says Morgan. Adding a top layer may also take longer, but the benefits include blocking in color enamel and helps prevent chipping. There are even higher layers that come with UV protection to reduce fading or discoloration of the enamel. Above all, the drying time do not rush. All the hard work can be spoiled by using hands start too early, causing it to CHIP or blur enamel.


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