Sunday 16 March 2014

5 Tips for Minimizing Freckles.

Posted By: Unknown - 19:45


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Do you have freckles you want to disappear? Those little spots scattered on the skin are a byproduct of life on Planet Earth. They are evidence of sun damage - that collect over time due to repeated and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Here's how it happens: Deep in the skin, cells called melanocytes produce pigment, then travel to the top layer of skin (the epidermis) to feed the pigment to keratinocytes, cells of the skin act as a barrier to the sun. Melanocytes that produce pigment, can only perform for so long before the sun damage the skin permanently. At this point, freckles occur. Freckles are actually collections of excess melanin spots that sit on the top layer of skin unprotected.

Freckles are harmless, and some people even think they are cute. But if you prefer not to Polka Dot nose and shoulders, here is some good news for you: Freckles can be prevented, minimized or even eliminated. We tell you how in the next five pages.

1. Laser Treatment 

To remove freckles fashion high technology, the laser will do the trick. Freckles are melanin and melanin absorbs the laser light spectrum. Laser light freckle refuses, leaving only the keratinocyte cells underneath. Generally, a physician (usually a dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon or GP) or use a ruby ​​light, low-power laser green "Q-switched" to burst every freckle. This process is called fractional resurfacing, or known by its brand name, GentleLASE.

Since freckles are at the top level of the skin, the procedure is non-invasive, and the laser does not damage any tissue on its way to freckles. However, since it is a laser burn things of your skin, the process can cause irritation. Sequels include crusting and minor bruises. Your doctor may apply a topical cream to minimize discomfort.

2. Natural Remedies 

There are a few old home remedies for removing freckles at home with common foods, and are surprisingly effective. Wash your face in sour milk can not make freckles disappear completely, but it will at least lighten his tone. The key ingredient is lactic acid, and there is a higher concentration of lactic acid in sour milk in milk that has soured. Simply wash with sour milk and water.

A similar method is a mask of sour cream. The thick, creamy, taco-first applied to the face, where it is held for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the lactic acid to be absorbed into the skin. It is then washed with water. It's a good idea to apply moisturizer afterwards to prevent dryness. Another common freckles "cure" is to rub with lemon juice. The active ingredient in the lemon juice is citric acid, which is a natural bleaching agent. Indeed, citrus extracts are often used in products for skin care is a skin "equalizer" or pigment and point reducer.

3. Chemical Peels 

Also called derma-peeling or chemexfollation, a chemical peel is an outpatient procedure or office where the doctor places a chemical solution to the face that causes the top layer of skin to redden, blister and peel. What is exposed is a new layer of fresh skin, which is not only soft, but not default - at least without many imperfections as it had before. Freckles fall into that category "stain".

The chemicals used in chemical peels include glycolic acid (an alpha hydroxy acid peel), salicylic acid (used in astringents at the consumer level) and lactic acid (sour milk). The doctor will place chemicals on a small patch of face at a time, every one to four weeks. The treated skin feels warm for a few minutes after treatment and after a few bites of hours later. The area then looks and acts like a bad sunburn. Over the course of three to seven days, redness, shells, scales and flakes off. But when all this is over, that is, the full free fresh skin freckles.

4. Retinol 

The retinol or retinol A, sounds like a chemical, but it is really just a clinical name for vitamin A. It is an anti-inflammatory agent, so it is suitable for the treatment of freckles, which are small cell inflammation skin.

Here's how it works: products for skin care, cosmetics and topical creams containing Retinol in a hovering near the level of 0.5 percent. Retinol is absorbed into the skin, where the speed increases vitamin skin regeneration. In other words, the body is triggered to shed the top layer of skin, where freckles live, revealing deeper levels of the skin - particularly those who are free from sin.

Retinol Topical agents have to be applied consistently and regularly by the power of the smallest sins completely, and a side effect is that it can lighten the skin around the freckles, freckles addition to themselves.

5. Prevention 

Freckles are caused by sun exposure, and people who are more susceptible to sunburn are more likely to accumulate freckles. For example, due to their genetic makeup that gives pale skin, freckles redheads usually have. If you are someone who tends to accumulate freckles, after finishing with them, are likely to accumulate replacements unless you change something.

Vitamin C not only avoid getting infected with germs and make you sick, but it also prevents the sun that negatively affects your skin. It literally prevents pigment grouping freckles. Be sure to consume at least USDA vitamin C U.S. recommended daily either in food or as a supplement. Similarly, it is believed that vitamin E to gradually align pigmentation. In other words, it makes your skin more uniform in tone. And of course, wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15 every time you will be exposed to the sun, even for a short period of time.


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