Tuesday 11 March 2014

10 Weird having Google Patents.

Posted By: Unknown - 04:53


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Chairman of Google , Eric Schmidt once observed that the patent system , originally designed to protect inventors , had degenerated into a morass of lawsuits and delays creativity -killing . "These patent wars are death ," he said in a talk at the 2012 New York City on 92nd Street Y. " Everyone can find a state of the art for all . So the trick is to get new judges to block devices by country. 's bad for innovation. "

That aversion makes it even more remarkable that Google has become one of the most prolific patent applicants all. MIT Technology Review reported in 2013 that the Google brain trust of scientists and engineers was earning about 10 patents every day that the Patent and Trademark Office U.S. is open for business. In fact , the company has become one of the top 10 recipients of U.S. patents

Technology Review theorized Google quietly changed his opinion on patents to protect its Android operating system for mobile devices , after seeing how Apple did the same when it introduced the iPhone in 2007.

Many of his patents cover Android and technology search engines and other services that have been the bread and butter of Google . Others have to do with the game-changing future gadgets that the Internet giant is developing, such as robotic driverless cars . But innovation machine Google is also producing even sharper innovations , many that could leave you scratching your head .

Here is a sample of 10 of the strangest patent that Google has tried in recent years .
Even in ancient times - in terms of social networking sites , that's 2006 - it was really great to send a text message on Facebook to tell all your friends who were vacationing in Hawaii, starting a new job or get a mole is removed at the dermatologist office. (OK , some people share a little too much information . )
But now that everything we've read countless status updates, this medium has become a little, well , mundane. That may be why Google in 2010 filed a patent for a technology called " Self- Creating Comics in social networks and other communications. " Latter would allow a user of the social network to publish a caricature Multipanel online through a variety of networks.

According to the patent application , a user selects an item , and the software would offer a cartoon, plus a title and text that you can modify to your liking. Google , the patent was awarded in 2013 , has not yet marketed the app- creating comic .

Whenever you do a Google search for cute cat pictures , view a YouTube video or send a message through Gmail , Google has to use electricity to provide those services . Global information giant burned about 2.26 million megawatt hours in 2010 - about a quarter of the output of a typical nuclear power plant.

Perhaps to reduce their utility bills , Google filed a patent application for a " Data Center waterborne " in 2008. The latter consist of a ship or cargo barge equipped to capture tidal energy and convert it into electricity , which is then used to row upon row of computer servers in the global information network of Google .

While this might seem straight out of the old Kevin Costner dystopian science fiction film " Waterworld " , there have been some recent indications that Google might actually implement this type of floating facilities . The San Jose Mercury News reported in October 2013 , for example, that Google was building a mysterious four-story structure on top of a barge in the bay of San Francisco , with a secret purpose. The newspaper also reported that a similar structure atop a massive barge moored in a harbor in Maine.


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